What’s Earth School?

“‘Earth School’ — what’s that?”

I’m so glad you asked!

Earth School is a year-long opportunity to learn from and about the Earth, in ways that matter, with benefits that will last a lifetime.

Earth School is a school that’s designed to put the puzzle pieces back together again.

Earth School is a chance to restore connection: to your own natural being, which can get left behind; with other people, who can get ‘put on the back burner;’ and with the natural environment, which is all-too-often overlooked completely.

Most importantly, Earth School offers practical tools and support to reconnect you to your inner guide, so you can navigate the turbulence and confusion of the 21st Century and empower your life with health, meaning and satisfaction. 

Here are just a few of the topics we will touch on:

·       Ancient Healing Traditions

·       Building Self-Confidence 

·       Care and Feeding of Healthy Soil and a Healthy Soul

·       Communicating with Nature, and with People

·       Community Building

·       Creating Ceremony and Honoring the Sacred

·       Forest Bathing

·       Global Warming

·       Healthy Vegan and Vegetarian Cooking

·       Land Tending

·       Life Skills for the 21st Century

·       Medicinal Plants

·       Meditation

·       Movement

·       Organic Gardening Methods and Materials

·       Radical Simplicity

·       Sacred Activism

·       Sound Healing

·       The Five Elements in Nature and in Human Nature

·       Whole System Healing

Earth School students will participate in eleven group gatherings over the course of a year, and will receive a yearlong individual program of coaching, mentoring, and support. They will also stay connected to the group through monthly on-line discussions, in which we will explore the cutting edge of thought about healing today. 

And, there’s an opportunity to receive mentoring and support for a project of your choice, to be implemented at home, in your household or community.

Earth School is a powerful community of learners, and a learning environment as deep and rich and nourishing as our Mother Earth herself.  It will truly be a year of learning, healing, growth, and transformation – a year to remember!

Santha Cooke